Sunday, February 13, 2011

Session 2, Part 3: Who's Selling?

A block a half was the closest the GMC Bulldog StepVan could get without risking getting blocked in with all the traffic beginning to fill the streets. Indy, Lennie and Spiders decided to use the van as their base of operations while Joe, Yumi and Zimmer made their way on foot.
Their objective was to get inside and find any evidence relating to the disc. 
With an opening band playing inside, hundreds of the gangers stood outside, smoking paraphernalia, waiting for the porta-potties, trading illegal items, and pretty much seeing what kind of trouble they could get into.

Joe split off from the other two and began to walk around the building, examining the security detail and gauging what they were up against. So far he had seen a couple troll bouncers at the door, a pair corporate security guards walking the perimeter, and a pair standing guard by a luxury coach bus sitting outside the back entrance of the warehouse.  Joe blended into the crowd near the bus and waited, keeping an eye on the guards and the back exit.

Not having tickets to get into the event, Yumi and Zimmer made their way to the troll bouncers at the front entrance and asked for Jager, the head of security. They had gotten a piece of info from Yumi’s contact that Jager, Nabo’s brother, was not only head of security, but a liability because of a certain weakness around novacoke.

Using several hits as a bargaining chip, the pair acquired two backstage passes to the show and made their way through the crowd as a local band mixed a noisy electronica with heavy beats and repetitive vocals. The crowd bobbed their heads to the thrumming as the two made their way to the back curtain.

Spiders sent in a watcher spirit, having it comb the grounds, looking for any threats. Not too long after, he sent a second one in to see what was on the bus. All that he found there was someone sitting at a VR station, comfortably accessing various controls.

Indy sent up a drone while Lennie used its camera to help scan and isolate the security team’s commlinks to give her team a live feed on where they were on each person’s AR display.  Indy made sure countermeasures were up to keep them from being pinpointed while Lennie kept an ear open for any incoming corporate police.

Yumi and Zimmer made it back behind the curtain to find Nabo sitting on a couch, surrounded by female groupies. He glanced their direction, but was immediately redirected to the female ork next to him as she moved her hand across his chest and whispered something into his ear. The other girls did not seem concerned and continued taking turns vying for his attention.

"Hey Bro, You're on in one minute," Jager piped in as he stepped through the stage curtain.

Nabo nodded and stood up, much to the dismay of his female companions. He quickly disappeared down the short hallway into the last room. Spiders sent his watcher spirit after him and spyed him pulling out a small device out of a desk drawer. Lennie confirmed it as his commlink when it turned on, her probe catching it, but cursed under her breath when it immediately was turned back off. She let everyone know it was in the room.

"We don't need Nabo, if we can get his comlink," Zimmer whispered through his subdermal microphone.

Nabo rushed by him as the Ork disappeared through the curtain, to a roaring crowd on the other side. Jager sat down where Nabo was, between all the girls in their skimpy outfits and smiled. They immediately rolled their eyes and stood up, making their way to the curtain and cheering on Nabo as the beats began to pound harder.

Jager sighed loudly and looked up at Zimmer and Yumi, shrugging.

Zimmer glanced at the hallway and then Yumi. They needed a distraction.

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