Thursday, January 20, 2011

Session 1, Part 2. First Night: In and Out

The DocWagon chopper arrived to the yacht, much faster than the security team had expected, but considering the situation, they weren't about to complain. Most had little combat experience and were hoping this would be a medical issue DocWagon could take care of for them. And if there was to be combat, at least they would have some support.

While the disguise wouldn't hold in the day or long under scrutiny, at night and at a distance the chopper and personnel exiting the vehicle looked official. The security team never really had a chance when Spiders drew first blood.

The bearded dwarf didn't look comfortable in his DocWagon emblazoned jumpsuit, but the run wasn't about comfort or if the legs of his pants were just a tad too long, threatening to catch under the heel of his heavy boots. For him it was about the first step of what he planned on doing for a living.

Blowing the living drek out of any frakin rent of cop who stood between him and his payout. Now that didn't mean leaving a wake of death behind him. He was professional after all. But back to the good stuff.

A simple thought and focus was all it took. Not wanting to kill the two guards in front of him, Spiders centered a sphere of mana between the two and let it go, watching the concussive effect it had its victims. The first immediately dropped to his knees, hands going to his head as he screamed, teetering on the edge to stay conscious, oblivious to everything else. The second took the jolt but remained on his feet, fighting to regain his bearings.

Not giving the security team time to react, Joe followed suit, Ingram smartgun carried high and near his cheekbone. While he didn't need to do so since he was smartlinked, it was a carry over from his previous training and aided him in reacting to any hostile targets. The suppressor flared alive on his weapon and the standing security guard rocked back all three shots from the burst found purchase. be continued.

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